International Visual Literacy Association
IVLA was formed for the purpose of providing a forum for the exchange of information related to visual literacy. We are also concerned with issues dealing with education, instruction and training in modes of visual communication and thier application through the concept of visual literacy to individuals, groups, organizations, and to the public in general.
Picture This: Visual Literacy Activities
Visual literacy is defined as the ability to understand communications composed of visual images as well as being able to use visual imagery to communicate to others. Students become visually literate by the practice of visual encoding (expressing their thoughts and ideas in visual form) and visual decoding (translating and understanding the meaning of visual imagery).
Introducing Visual Literacy, "Who's Dancing Now?"
anguage Arts classes teach students to be intelligent consumers of written texts, to read closely, understand and respond to the written word. Yet our students "consume" far more visual than written images, and far more of their information is gathered through television, video and film than though books.
Visual Literacy & the Classroom
Although the definition of literacy remains a hotly contested topic among educators and researchers, it is hard to deny that technology is driving the debate. While reading and writing will most likely remain at the heart of standard literacy education, educators should reconsider what it means to be literate in the technological age.
n 1982, the international agency UNESCO declared, “We must prepare young people for living in a world of images, words and sounds.”